HERB - (was)LONG. The truth about roaches and ants

Katherine Blackthorne kblackthorne at hotmail.com
Tue Sep 5 08:01:33 PDT 2000

----Original Message Follows----
From: hornburg amy lynn <aheilvei at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu>
Reply-To: herbalist at ansteorra.org
To: herbalist at ansteorra.org
Subject: HERB - LONG.  The truth about roaches and ants
Date: Sat, 2 Sep 2000 13:10:11 -0500 (CDT)

Greetings from Bogdan de la Brasov, husband to Despina de la Brasov (a
lurker on this list)!  I was sitting in the office studying for my prelims

6) Don't buy ant baits.  Most ants are actually repelled by the
"attractant" and they just don't work.  Saw a neat study out of Purdue
about this one.

I actually found ONE brand that didn't repell them... it DREW them in far 
greater numbers than I'd had to deal with before!!  I have no way of knowing 
whether it killed any... they were clear, and I could see the brown colored 
bait.  When my tiny ant problem turned into a HUGE ant problem with them 
coming in droves for the bait, I was forced to bomb.  And I *hate* poisoning 
my home!
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