HERB - flash pasteurization

Maggie MacDonald maggie5 at home.com
Wed Mar 14 12:57:52 PST 2001

At 02:30 PM 3/14/01 -0500,Iasmin said something like:
>I don't suppose anyone here can explain to me the basic concept
>behind "flash pasteurization" could you? I'm trying to figure out
>was the difference is between pasteurization of, say, something
>like milk and this statement on my juice container that says it
>is "flash pasteurized."

If I were to guess, I'd say they had a process where they heated it 
quickly/instantly to the pasteurization temperature, then probably 
heat/cool it back down to packaging temperature rather quickly.

Maybe they run it through tubes that are steamed and then chilled quickly, 
like a distillery tube setup?

I don't think it would make much difference chemically,but since it is 
basically cooking the juice, you might get a teensy flavor difference.

Maggie MacD.

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