[Herbalist] RE: Matilda Bone by Karen Cushman

Jenne Heise jenne at mail.browser.net
Tue Jul 2 07:59:05 PDT 2002

> Is this what you were looking for?

well, I was looking for people's impressions of the accuracy of the
background material in general, and what people thought of the books...

Being a librarian I'm not overly interested in people's impressions of the
age-suitability  or social appropriateness -- I can get them from
librarian's book reviews. I thought Cushman's books were much better than
the current fad of depressing kids books but much more realistic than many
older books.

But there has been some criticism of Cushman as portraying a more bright
picture of life for women in the period than actually existed. I think her
picture of women healers is a lot more realistic than that propagated by
early feminist scholars, but it does have some touches I wasn't sure of.

Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at mail.browser.net
disclaimer: i speak for no-one and no-one speaks for me.
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