[Loch-soilleir] And here come the questions... :-)

Patti Snyder mahearra at tgn.net
Fri Apr 23 19:34:29 PDT 2004

Hi, again.
I have several shirts/tunics/pants that would fit Ty, as well as a simple
cloak.  I'll bring them to the event...either find me in the kitchen, or
look for the green and white tent...  Mahearra
----- Original Message -----
From: <Juliana-SCA at houston.rr.com>
To: <Loch-solleir at ansteorra.org>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Loch-soilleir] And here come the questions... :-)

>Although it's listed as '8 camping sites', the camping area is quite large,
and there's no reason >to be packed in. I'd say we could comfortably camp
3-400 in that space, and I'd bet there >won't be more than 50 (not so many
folks camp, anymore, especially in May, and only 30 >minutes from

Oh, it must be a much bigger area than I imagine! Okay, I'm scratching that
off my worry list. Thanks.  :-)

>Uhhh, errr, how long did you say you've been in Texas / Houston? I'll try
to break this to you >gently - 68 is freakin' beautiful! Although we all
seem to have a selective memory, it really >*will* get to 95 degrees, with
70+% humidity, and not very long from now... I guess each >summer must cook
our brains, so we forget how &$^*%$& hot it was *last* year...

Oh, I was born and raised here... I'm just the type who keeps their A/C set
on "stun" 10 months out of the year, and would be happiest sitting in a
walk-in freezer. I need to move to Alaska, I think.  LOL

>Juliana, Please don't stress about garb. If you are at your camp you can
wear what you want. >Please wear garb as long as you are "participating" at
the event, ie: watching the fighting, eating >feast, court, etc. If you need
garb, I have some at my house I can bring to the event and you >are more
than welcome to have some. We also have a hospitaller who is in charge of
providing >garb for newcomers, whether making it or loaning it. Just let us
know. Baroness Katya

Thank you, to everyone who has offered to help... I sure wish I had met this
group a long time ago instead of the others I met.  :-)   I am looking
forward to learning how to actually sew somewhere down the road, so that I
can make my own stuff later on. I don't guess that will help me now, though.
:-/   If anyone has anything extra that Ty and I can borrow as "casual
garb," I would greatly appreciate it and would be happy to offer our service
in whatever capacity is needed for the event.

And this will sound like a silly question, but is there any item that other
kids, especially boys, tend to wear that I might be able to make or get for
my son, so that he doesn't feel left out? Like a short cloak, or whatever...
Although he's much better at naturally fitting in to situations than I am,
I'd still like him to feel like he's part of things.

He did get to take a field trip to the very neat West Bay Common School
museum in League City yesterday, where he got to spend the morning as a
student at the turn of the century. He came home with a bag of old-fashioned
marbles and a wooden peg top, which if I'm not mistaken are toys that date
back even to medieval times and earlier... so I told him he can bring those
to Loch Guardian to play with other kids, and leave the Gameboy and Yu-Gi-Oh
cards at home. Or at least in the tent.  :-)
Thanks again, so much, for the offers of help and for putting my mind at
ease... you guys are great.  :-)


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