[Loch-soilleir] Trying Again: The Lyst at Castleton II - Sponsorships

Bill Butler chemistbb3 at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 11 20:05:21 PDT 2007

OK folks, if we want to do one of these, we need to
decide now!  Also, we would need someone to step
forward to co-ordinate this.


--- Sandra Jakl <kieralady2 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> I think Loch Soilleir would be able to handle any of
> the following with aplomb (but not necessarily all
> three):
> Royal Presence 
> List Clerks
> Court Coordination and Transition
> Clara
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Bill Butler <chemistbb3 at yahoo.com>
> To: Loch Soilleir Announcements
> <loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org>
> Sent: Friday, April 6, 2007 1:28:01 PM
> Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Trying Again: The Lyst at
> Castleton II - Sponsorships
> Here is that list that stripped away...
> William
> ----------------------------------------
> “The Lysts at Castleton”
> and “King’s Lancer Tournament”
> Event Sponsorships 2007
> Each group choosing to select a sponsorship below
> will
> be given the possible opportunity of sponsoring a
> specific tournament during the event (3 or 4).
> This includes providing a large pavilion for use by
> the Populace as a gallery, sponsoring prizes for
> your
> specific tournament, creating the appropriate
> atmosphere and recognizing the winner/s of your
> field
> during evening Court.
> Group of Record (Bryn Gwlad, Master Eule)
> Coordinates preparatory needs of the event such as:
> - Necessary pre-event paperwork (request date on
> Kingdom calendar) (complete)
> - Necessary event fees (i.e. equestrian insurance,
> Black Star ad fees)
> - All necessary gate responsibilities
> - Post event reporting and profit distribution
> Gate (Bryn Gwlad)
> Gate seed money, staffing and training, gate
> reports.
> Feast
> Setup/strike of food prep and serving area, create
> menu and provide food and non-alcoholic beverages,
> responsible for area ambiance/decorations,
> cleanup (Shamino/Richard opens his own beverage
> tavern
> in the evening during SCA events).
> Site Setup (Master Eule, Thomas of Conway)
> Coordinates and executes list field setup/strike,
> placement of directional signs, site illumination.
> Tournament Coordination (Sir Gideon and Sir Giotto)
> Coordinate marshals for each tournament,
> setup/strike
> of list tree. I will be asking the past champions of
> each field to coordinate these activities.
> Master Herald (Laszló Nemanželsky)
> Coordinates with all site and personal heralds.
> Recruits heralds for announcement of rounds and
> general announcements. Coordinates with List Clerks
> to post outcomes of successive rounds for inclusion
> on
> list trees. Provides supplies for honour shield
> consultation and creation Friday evening and Sat.
> morning.
> Traffic Control
> Provide traffic, road and parking control Friday
> afternoon/evening and Sat. morning until the
> beginning
> of morning Court. Crew needed: traffic control
> people with radios.
> Site Cleanup (Sir Lyonel Oliver Grace and all the
> warriors he can conscript)
> Cleanup site on Sunday, collect trash, dispose of
> properly in property dumpster.
> Site Ambiance
> Coordinate with all areas to properly decorate the
> site, i.e. list field, hill road, evening Court
> area,
> banner placement, coordinates and manages a variety
> of musicians and groups to provide our guests with
> music throughout the day at a variety of locations
> Helm/Crest Judging (Bjornsborg)
> Coordinate area, setup/strike/cleanup, responsible
> for
> area ambiance/decorations, coordinate judges and
> provides criteria.
> Royal Presence
> Setup/strike/cleanup of royal pavilion, coordinate
> area, responsible for area ambiance/decorations,
> setup/strike/cleanup, provide Royal menu and
> provide food and non-alcoholic beverages for lunch,
> cleanup/strike of area. Setup head table for feast
> as
> above (possibly in a different area).
> Court Coordination and Transition
> Coordinate with other sponsoring Baronies for Court
> presence. Coordinate ambiance with Ambiance Sponsor,
> setup/strike of area, moving thrones,
> tables etc.
> Marketing (Master Eule)
> Over sees website, flyers design/printing,
> Royal/Landed Noble/former KL invitations, Black Star
> ad, educational material collection, event booklet,
> email blasts, etc.
> List Clerks
> Coordinate area, setup/strike/cleanup, responsible
> for
> area ambiance/decorations (Bryn Gwlad has list
> shields
> that can be hung in the area to denote the
> various categories venants may enter). Creation of
> pairing booklets for heralds (if needed).
> Water Bearers
> Coordinate area, setup/strike/cleanup, responsible
> for
> area ambiance/decorations, collect all necessary
> equipment and supplies, provide beverages and
> other suitable snacks, provide and train staff.
> Chiurgeonate
> Coordinate all chirugeonate staff and activities.
> Merchant Coordinator
> Coordinate with Site Sponsor and layout merchant
> area,
> coordinate with interested merchants for placement,
> hours, etc.
> Sanitation
> Ordering of porta-potties, maintenance during the
> weekend.
> The fish are biting. 
> Get more visitors on your site using Yahoo! Search
> Marketing.
> _______________________________________________
> Loch-soilleir mailing list
> Loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org
> TV dinner still cooling? 
> Check out "Tonight's Picks" on Yahoo! TV.
> http://tv.yahoo.com/
> _______________________________________________
> Loch-soilleir mailing list
> Loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org

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