Doug Copley doug.copley at gmail.com
Thu Jun 30 18:03:06 PDT 2011

I have no problem with having the heralds look at the names and it is my 
understanding that there are several of them doing this right now. Those 
that cannot be vetted should be eliminated. Those that are left should 
be voted on.

I am glad that we agree there is no reason to throw it all away and 
start from scratch.

Those that are wanting to delay it keep saying that there are more names 
but I don't ever see these other names. This is why I want to keep 
pushing forward with the names we have (and that can be vetted) so that 
we can complete the process.

I look forward to having an opportunity to sit and discuss all the 
wonders of the North with you over a nice bottle of mead:-)


On 6/30/2011 4:12 PM, Marc Carlson wrote:
> Vincenti,
> I wasn't proposing throwing it all away, just acknowledging that few if any of the names currently under discussion will survive heraldic analysis in their present form. What Emma has been pointing out is that after the fact, stunt heraldry trying to pass a name that not in a period format, is a major pain, and often the reason that people don't get the name they they had their heart set on.  Taking a little while to make sure the horse is, in fact in front of the cart shouldn't be a problem, and would only set us back 6-9 months - and it's not like we're in any great hurry, are we?
> Yes, every name that has been suggested should be vetted, and those that are unregisterable should be tossed out.  By a considered, rational, re-opening of the process, we could, if we wanted, not only let people find ways to re-submit their suggestions in a registrable form, but also let those people who managed to miss the entry process submit more things that are not in whatever cultural/linguistic group they don't want to represent them.  That's simply good politics.
> And don't get me wrong - I want a name for the North, and I'd rather it be us that makes that choice, and not the College of Heralds when we finally need to register it.
> Marc/Diarmaid

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