PE - Pennsic Ger Accident Picture

Todric todric at
Tue Aug 22 15:45:22 PDT 2000

        One of my frame-customers Gers was side-swiped by a vehicle at
Pennsic and moved about a foot. They told me that they put one roof pole
back into place, lifted the edge of the khana back into position, and that
was all.
        I was going to take pictures of the damage, but couldn't find any,
except for the scuff-mark on their canvas.
        The picture is on my extra-space at:


        Believe it or not, this is the _second_ time I've seen a ger hit by
a vehicle; the first time was about 10 years ago;  that one was flattened,
but the owners had it back up inside of a few hours.


	Singing Horse Designs

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