RF - Family

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 19 11:00:34 PDT 2000

>Not that my opinion ever really mattered to anyone.. 

Your opinion has counted as much as anyone elses..
your problem is the way you presented it.

>because I have always been the one people have
outcast >ebcause I was different.. 

Look around...real hard...everyone in this group has
been outcast...different...a misfit... or otherwise
not really fit in somewhere...

>and tried too hard..

in the wrong ways
>I just >got tired of trying to live up to everyone's

not your job!!! You cannot fufill needs of people you
don't know well.  

>notice i haven't been around for a while??? this is
>why... the bickering.. and the harsh emails from
those >I thought I could respect...

If you lose respect for someone over a little
bickering, you really didn't know them or have
really shallow images of people...

If you receive harsh e-mails from people...maybe you
should examine why they would send you such things...
maybe your actions toward them and theirs is why...
maybe it is because you refuse to listen...
you are not always the "victim"
maybe you have victimized them by requiring of them
things that are not given - but are earned...like
respect, friendship, acceptance...

>and now I can't because
>some are just too selfish to give ...

people are not required to give anything...
giving is voluntary...and just because they
don't chose to give you someting you want from
them is no reason to condemn them...

> and when people try to show they
>acre.. they are rejected

depends upon what cost you are requiring for
your "freely giving", almost all your gifts
come with "strings" ... 

>why can't we all just be a family.?????

We are...some of the worst fights and feuds
are those that start with family...

Just because people bicker does not mean they
hate each other...it is just another form of
communication...if people were always pleasant
and politically correct...they are showing a
facade...they are not showing
their true selves or emotions...

and no one likes fake people...



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