RF - Corpora relating to Baronies and Officers

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 22 11:08:47 PST 2001


          1. Appointment and Removal:

               a. The Crown shall appoint a
territorial Baron and/or Baroness according to the
laws and customs of the kingdom when a branch is
               baronial status, and at such subsequent
times as a new Baron and/or Baroness is required. The
barony's opinion on the matter must be requested
               and received in writing, and the
appointments must not be substantively opposed by the
populace of the barony.

               b. Territorial Barons and Baronesses
are officers subject to the provisions of By-Laws
V.C.2.b. The Baron and/or Baroness shall work with the
               baronial officers as circumstances
dictate, and shall keep these officers informed as
necessary for the efficient performance of their
duties and
               effective liaison within the barony.

               c. The Crown may suspend a territorial
Baron and/or Baroness for the duration of a reign, for
just and stated cause. Suspension would prohibit
               the use of the baronial titles and
arms, the conduct of baronial courts, and the
presentation of baronial awards.

               d. The Crown may remove a territorial
Baron and/or Baroness for just and stated cause;
however, the Crown must request a written opinion
               from the populace of the barony before
taking such action.

          2. Responsibilities:

               a. The basic duties of the Baron and/or
Baroness are ceremonial in nature in reflecting the
royal presence in the barony. The Crown may assign
               additional duties and responsibilities,
according to the laws and customs of the kingdom.

               b. Territorial Barons and/or Baronesses
are responsible to the Crown and (if the barony is
within a principality) to the Coronet. The Baron
               Baroness shall work with the baronial
officers as circumstances dictate, and shall keep
these officers informed as necessary for the efficient
               performance of their duties and
effective liaison within the barony.

               c. The privileges, duties, and rights,
ceremonial and otherwise, of the office of territorial
Baron and/or Baroness are established by the laws and
               customs of the kingdom, and shall
include the right to make such awards as the Crown (or
the Coronet, if applicable) shall specifically
               and to establish and present
non-armigerous awards specific to the barony. (See

               d. A territorial Baron or Baroness may
hold any other Society office for which he or she is
fitted and qualified, save only that of Baronial
               Seneschal, but must not allow the
duties and responsibilities of such office and the
office of Baron or Baroness to conflict. 


          1. Great Officers of State. The Great
Officers of a kingdom include the Seneschal, the
Principal Herald, the Earl Marshal, the Minister of
Arts, the
          Minister of Sciences, the Chancellor of the
Exchequer (Treasurer), the Chronicler, and the
Chirurgeon. The Crown may raise other officials to the
          of Great Officers of State, temporarily or
permanently, in accordance with kingdom law and

               a. General Duties and Responsibilities

                    (1) Great Officers are responsible
directly to the Crown for the execution of their
duties. A Great Officer having a counterpart at the
                    corporate level is also
responsible to that Corporate Officer. The
responsibility includes the duty to report regularly
on the kingdom's
                    development and activities, and
those of its component branches.

                    (2) Great Officers are responsible
for advising the Crown and coordinating branch
activities in their area of specialization, and for
                    establishing such deputies and
lesser offices as may be necessary for the
accomplishment of their duties. They are authorized to
                    tasks or specific authority to
deputies, lesser officers, and branch officers, but
the ultimate responsibility for delegated functions
                    with the Great Officer. (See
Governing and Policy Decision #15.)

               b. Conditions of Office

                    (1) All Great Officers of a
kingdom must be qualified for independent office under
By-Laws V.C.2.b.

                    (2) Except for the Ministries of
Arts and of Sciences, which may be combined at kingdom
option, no person may hold more than one of
                    the mandatory Great Offices at a

                    (3) The Seneschal and the
Chronicler receive all corporate periodicals other
than their own kingdom newsletter at the Society's
                    for the duration of their terms.
The Board may from time to time designate additional
officers to receive these publications.

               c. Appointment and Removal

                    (1) Appointment and Warranting:
Great Officers of State are nominated by the Crown
after due consultation with the outgoing officer, the
                    Seneschal, and any other
appropriate Great Officer. The appointments take
effect when and if ratified by the corresponding
                    Officer by countersignature of the
warrant. If there is no Corporate Officer, the Crown
shall act unilaterally.

                    (2) Resignation: A Great Officer
may resign by sending written notice to the Crown and
the responsible Corporate Officer, if any.

                    (3) Expiration of Term of Service:
A Great Officer's term ends with the expiration of the
warrant, and the officer is responsible for
                    arranging for appointment of a
successor or for extension of the current warrant
prior to its expiration. However, where a good-faith
                    to fill the office is in progress,
the Crown may authorize a Great Officer to continue to
fulfill the duties of the office for up to 45 days
                    the expiration of the warrant.

                    (4) Removal for Cause: Great
Officers of State may be removed for cause by joint
action of the Crown and the corresponding Corporate
                    Officer. An officer so removed may
appeal to the Board. If a Great Officer has no
corporate superior, the Crown may act unilaterally
                    according to the laws and customs
of the kingdom; appeals may be directed to the Board
via the Society Seneschal.

                    (5) Suspension: Great Officers of
State may be suspended by either the Crown or the
corporate superior for just and stated cause.
                    Suspensions by the Crown are for
not more than the duration of the current reign;
suspensions by the corporate superior are for not more
                    than 90 days. A suspension takes
effect upon declaration to the officer, but the Crown
or the corporate superior must be informed as soon
                    as possible thereafter, and it
must be announced in the next available issue of the
kingdom newsletter. If a deputy has been designated as
                    successor for the post, the deputy
shall automatically assume the duties of the office at
the moment of such suspension and shall continue
                    fulfilling said duties until the
suspension is terminated. If no designated successor
exists for the post, the Crown and Corporate Officer
                    any) shall reach an agreement as
to how to carry out the duties of the post, or shall
appeal to the Board. The suspended officer retains the
                    right of appeal, but the
suspension stands until and unless overruled by the

          2. Duties of Specific Offices

               a. THE SENESCHAL (mentioned in the
By-Laws as "Regional Vice President")is the chief
administrative officer of the Society for the kingdom,
               which includes coordinating the other
kingdom officers as required for the smooth operation
of the kingdom and for its relations with outside
               agencies. The Seneschal is responsible
for assisting new branches and branch elevations - see
V.B for the requirements. The Seneschal shall
               review all proposed changes to kingdom
law to determine compliance with the governing
documents of the Society, and advise the Crown
               accordingly. The Seneschal shall with
due promptness either acknowledge the propriety of the
changes by signing them, prior to the Crown's
               enacting them, or shall state any
conflicts in writing to the Crown and to the Great
Officers of the kingdom. Once the law has been
enacted, the
               Seneschal shall ensure that the Society
Seneschal and the Board ombudsman for the kingdom
receive current copies, which must include the
               Seneschal's opinion regarding apparent
conflicts, if any. Where registration with state or
national governmental bodies would be beneficial to
               Society, the Seneschal shall work with
the Society Seneschal to request that the Executive
Director initiate the appropriate proceedings, and
               recommend a member to serve as
registered Legal Agent for that jurisdiction. (See
Governing and Policy Decision #7.) 

               b. THE PRINCIPAL HERALD is the head of
the kingdom College of Heralds and is responsible for
supervising field heraldry and court
               heraldry at events within the kingdom,
and for kingdom activities for the College of Arms,
including the timely processing of submissions for
               names and armory.

               c. THE EARL MARSHAL is responsible for
overseeing the conduct of all martial arts activities,
including but not limited to tournament lists,
               wars, combat archery, and period
fencing, as well as such related activities as
scouting and target archery. The Earl Marshal bears
               responsibility for promoting both the
safety and the authenticity of the martial arts in the
kingdom, but works with other officers in their areas
               mutual interest.

               d. THE MINISTER OF ARTS is responsible
for fostering the study and utilization of
historically accurate art forms, as well as those
aspects of
               period culture related to their use.

               e. THE MINISTER OF SCIENCES is
responsible for fostering the study of period
technologies and philosophies, and their application
               artifacts, both as used in the Society
and as used in period.

(Treasurer) is responsible for maintaining the
financial records of the kingdom, supervising the
               finances of the kingdom, and assembling
the yearly financial report and submitting it to the
Society Chancellor of the Exchequer in a timely

               g. THE CHRONICLER supervises all
publishing activities of the kingdom, and is the
editor or supervises the editor of the kingdom
               which is responsible for all required
announcements and notices of Society events, kingdom
law, and the like. The Chronicler works with the
               Society Registrar on matters of mailing
and circulation. The Chronicler is also responsible
for accounting for the corporate stipend and other
               kingdom newsletter income, and
reporting all such income and expenditures to the
Society Chancellor of the Exchequer as required by
               officer. (See Governing and Policy
Decision #1.)

               h. THE CHIRURGEON administers the
organization that is responsible for voluntary first
aid at Society events, including assisting
participants in
               tournament combat, notifying attendees
of health and safety concerns, and such other related
activities as kingdom law and custom may entail. 

          3. Lesser Offices of State. Lesser Offices
may be established and administered at the discretion
of the Crown, either directly or under the
jurisdiction of
          one of the Great Officers. All Lesser
Officers of a kingdom must be qualified for
independent office under By-Laws V.C.2.b. The
procedures for
          management of Lesser Officers are exactly
parallel to those for Great Officers. The appropriate
Great Officer, if any, takes the place of the
          Officer in the procedure, and the Crown acts
unilaterally if there is no Great Officer.

          4. Principality Officers. The membership
requirements for principality officers and the duties
assigned to them parallel those of their kingdom
          They are responsible to their kingdom
superiors as well as to the Coronet, and are obligated
to report regularly to both upon the principality's
          development and activities and those of its
component branches. The Crown has the option of
signing their warrants directly or of delegating that
          authority to the Coronet, but in either case
the other signature comes from the kingdom superior,
if any. (See VI.A.3.c.)

          5. Local Officers

               a. Tenure

                    (1) Appointment. Local officers
shall be appointed by their kingdom, principality,
baronial or provincial superiors, as kingdom law
                    provides, and their appointments
shall be confirmed by royalty of the level required by
kingdom law. If the Crown chooses, the law may
                    waive the requirement for specific
confirmation of individual appointments, while
retaining overall authority to intervene in specific
                    Local officers must not be
substantively opposed by the people of the branch, but
the final decision regarding their tenure remains with
                    superior officers and royalty.

                    (2) Suspension and Removal. If
kingdom law makes no other arrangement, the procedures
for suspending or removing local officers shall
                    parallel those for kingdom
officers, with the kingdom officer taking the place of
the corporate officer in the process. The Crown may
                    law delegating this process to the
Coronet and principality officers, and may include a
provision regarding levels of inactivity or
                    non-reporting which may be
regarded as equivalent to resignation.

               b. Warranting. Officers of local
branches may be duly warranted deputies of officers of
an administering branch,

               or may be warranted in their own right
as local officers. Until a branch is proclaimed by the
Crown, its officers must be deputies of their
               counterparts in the administering
branch. Regardless of how the position is defined,
local officers must be qualified for independent
office under
               By-Laws V.C.2.b.

               c. Reporting. Local officers report
upon their

               branch's development and activities to
their superior officers and such others as required by
their administrative structure. These reports shall
               include information on any branches
subject to the administration of the branch served by
the officer.

               d. Administration. Local officers shall
also assist and oversee the officers of any other
branches within their jurisdiction.

          6. Designated Successors. At each level,
deputy officers may be appointed according to kingdom
law and custom. However, in order to be assured of
          the succession in the event of the
suspension of the superior officer (as in VI.C.1.c.5
or in other situations if the kingdom chooses to
extend the
          provision to them), the deputy designated to
succeed the officer must have been warranted without
objection from the officer's immediate superior, and
          the warrant must have been ratified by
royalty of the level which approved the officer's own
appointment. In addition, the successor deputy must be
          qualified for independent office as
specified in By-Laws V.C.2.b.

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