RF - Rights and Duties of the Populace, etc.

L T ldeerslayer at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 22 11:18:50 PST 2001

Below are Rights and Duties of the Nobles, Peers, and
Populace out of the Ansteorran Kingdom Law....


   1.The counselors of the Crown are: the Territorial
Barons/esses, the Great Officers of State, the Peers,
and the Nobility of
     Ansteorra. The Crown should consult with the
appropriate councils regarding issues and matters of

Section 1: Nobility

   1.The Nobility, by reason of their rank and
experience, shall have the right and duty to counsel
the Crown and Kingdom
   2.Any Duke or Duchess entered in the Crown Lists
shall have the right to withdraw from the Crown Lists
at any time. 

Section 2: Peers

   1.The Peerage of Ansteorra shall consist of the
Orders of The Chivalry, the Laurel, and the Pelican.
The Kingdom of Ansteorra
     shall recognize foreign Patents of Arms as equal
to its own. 
   2.Any Peer of the Realm shall have the right and
duty to petition the Crown on their own behalf and at
the request of the people.
   3.The members of any or all Orders of Peerage may
be called into counsel at the pleasure of the Crown. 

Section 3: Territorial Barons and Baronesses

   1.A Territorial Baron or Baroness (hereinafter
called Baron/ess) shall be defined as a person who is
recognized by the Crown of
     Ansteorra as holding a Barony in fief for the
Crown of Ansteorra. 
   2.It shall be the duty of a Baron/ess to swear
fealty and allegiance to the Crown of Ansteorra. 
   3.The responsibilities of the Baron/ess shall be: 
        1.To reflect the Royal Presence in the Barony
when the Crown cannot be in attendance. 
        2.To ensure, for the Crown, the well being and
contentment of the Barony and of their subjects
therein, to provide a
          Baronial court for the training of officers
valuable to the Crown, and to encourage historical
interaction, research, and
          creativity within the Barony. 
        3.To counsel the Crown, and to petition the
Crown on matters pertaining to the Barony, and on
behalf of the members of
          the population thereof. 
        4.To attend the needs, public and private, and
comforts of the Crown of Ansteorra, and to extend the
hospitality of the
          Barony to all visiting Royalty and Nobility.

        5.To assist the Crown and Kingdom Seneschal in
arranging sites and autocrats for Crown Tournaments
and Coronations.
        6.As the Crown's representative, he/she may
hold Court as required within the Barony. 
   4.Failure to perform the above duties to the
satisfaction of the Crown shall be grounds for removal
or suspension. 
   5.The Crown may remove a Territorial Baron/ess for
stated written cause. This action will require the
solicitation of written
     opinions of the populace. 
   6.The Crown may appoint a Vicar and/or Vicaress to
oversee a Barony as the need arises. The rights,
responsibilities and
     prerogatives of the Vicar and/or Vicaress shall
be as specified by the Crown. In the absence of a
specific declaration by the
     Crown, a Vicar and/or Vicaress shall be
considered to have the powers and duties granted in
Section 3(b) and (c), but shall
     not have the power to create or grant any award
without the Crown's express written permission. 
   7.A Territorial Baron/ess may bear the Baronial
Arms in canton upon their own. 
   8.The Baron/ess at the time of the creation of a
Barony is the Founding Baron/ess. The founding
Baron/ess shall have the
     perpetual right to bear the Baronial Arms in
canton upon their own arms and maintain the perpetual
title "Baron/ess (fief)". 
   9.In recognition of their service to the Realm, a
retiring Baron/ess may at the pleasure of the Crown,
be granted the title of Court
     Baron/ess with precedence dating from the date of
their investiture as Territorial Baron/ess.
Additionally they may bear an
     Ansteorran Star on their baronial Coronet. 
  10.Appointment to the position of Territorial
Baron/ess shall carry with it a Grant of Arms at the
pleasure of the Crown. 
  11.Territorial Baron/ess must maintain a good
understanding of the function and rules of the offices
of Seneschal and Treasurer.
  12.Territorial Baron/ess are required to have a
telephone, in cases of separate Baron and Baroness at
least one of them must
     have a telephone.. 
  13.Territorial Baron/ess must be paid members in the
Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc.. 
  14.Territorial Baron/ess must live within the
territories of their Barony. 

Section 4: Court Barons and Court Baronesses

   1.Court Baron/ess shall be defined as those persons
who have been granted the title of Baron or Baroness
of the Court without
     the inclusion of lands to be held in fief. 
   2.The title of Court Baron/ess shall carry with it
a Grant of Arms. 
   3.The position of Court Baron/ess shall carry such
duties and privileges as the Crown shall deem fit. 


Section 1: Primary Rights and Duties

     The primary right and duty of each Subject of
Ansteorra is, by their presence, participation,
research, and interaction, to assist
     the Kingdom in recreating the environment of
pre-Seventeenth Century culture at activities and
events such as, but not
     limited to, tournaments, fairs, parties, dances,
classes, et cetera.

Section 2: Religion

   1.The Kingdom of Ansteorra will show respect to all
religions at all times. 
   2.No person shall infringe upon the religious
freedom of the Kingdom by performing any rite in such
a manner or location so as
     to force any subject of the Realm to participate,
observe, or be affected by the rite who does not wish
to be involved. 
   3.No person shall perform any rite at any event in
such a manner so as to suggest that the rite is
sponsored by the Kingdom or
     the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. 
   4.No policy or ruling in Ansteorra shall be made or
set on the basis of creed or religion. 

Section 3: Channels of Communication

   1.Should a problem arise between subjects of the
Kingdom of Ansteorra, proper channels for complaint
and appeal should be
     followed at all times. The appropriate channels
for complaint shall be as specified in Kingdom Law and
the Kingdom of
     Ansteorra Seneschal's handbook. 
   2.Any person or persons shall have the right to
petition the Crown for any redress for the actions of
any officer or
     representative of the Crown, if all other
channels have been tried and failed. 
   3.While the Crown shall consider such petitions,
the Petitioner(s) shall have the personal protection
of the Crown. 
   4.All subjects of the Realm shall have the right to
appeal grievances to the Corporate level. This should
only happen after all
     other proper channels for complaint and appeal
have been followed. 

Section 4: Weaponry

   1.The privileges of all subjects of the Crown to
bear period weapons at events within the Realm shall
not be infringed upon
     unless deemed unsafe by the ruling noble, knight
marshal, a representative of the Crown, or the Crown. 
   2.Weapons shall not be drawn save that a good and
sufficient reason exists. 
   3.Final determination of good and sufficient reason
rests solely with the Crown. 

Section 5: Maintenance of Period Ambiance

   1.No object, conduct, or manner of dress which is
blatantly modern shall be publicly displayed at SCA
events unless
     permission has been obtained from the autocrat or
the Crown. 
   2.Any person who displays a blatantly modern
appearance shall be open to public censure by the
Crown or its representative. 
   3.Modern equipment such as recorders, vehicles,
phones, and cameras must be hidden whenever possible. 

Section 6: Combat Participation

   1.No one under 18 years of age will be allowed to
participate in the fighting activities at SCA events
in the Kingdom of
   2.Any Citizen of Ansteorra who wishes to
participate in combat at an Event of the Society for
Creative Anachronism, Inc. must
     have been authorized by the Earl Marshal of
Ansteorra or one of his designated subordinates. 
   3.Any authorized person in Ansteorra shall have the
right to participate in combat on the field. No
authorized Ansteorran shall
     be prohibited from fighting except for just and
reasonable cause. 
   4.Final determination of just and reasonable cause
rests solely with the Crown. 

Section 7: Rights of Appeal

   1.Every member of the populace shall have the right
to appeal any decision to the appropriate superior
officer and/or the
   2.The chain of appeal shall be from the local
officer, to the regional officer (if any), to the
Kingdom officer, to the Crown, to the
     corporate officer, and to the Board of Directors.
The Appellant should direct their appeal to the level
above the level issuing
     the decision being appealed. Copies of the appeal
must be sent to each of the intervening levels. 
   3.Appeals must be in writing and delivered by
registered mail or in person. 
   4.Upon receipt by the appropriate officer or the
Crown, the effective date of the appeal shall be the
date mailed or date of
     personal hand delivery. 
   5.Within the Kingdom, the officer receiving the
appeal has 30 days from the effective date of the
appeal to act on the appeal. Any
     officer that does not act on an appeal within 30
days will be guilty of a violation of Kingdom Law,
which will be grounds for
     suspension from office 
   6.Responses to appeals must be in writing and
delivered in person or by registered mail. Copies of
any appeal and any
     response must be kept in the Kingdom files. 
   7.If the Appellant does not receive a response to
their appeal or receives a response upholding the
appealed decision, they may
     appeal to the next higher level. This process may
be followed until all avenues of appeal are exhausted.

   8.No appeal should be made outside of the Kingdom
until all appeals within the Kingdom have been
exhausted in accordance
     with Kingdom Law, unless approved in writing by
the Crown or the Kingdom Seneschal. 
   9.Appeals made beyond the Kingdom level shall
follow the procedures dictated by the Organizational
Handbook of the Society
     for Creative Anachronism, Inc., and by the
dictates of the Corporate Officers and the Board of

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