SC - interesting URL - food shopping!

Stefan li Rous stefan at
Sun Aug 27 17:45:50 PDT 2000

I noticed in the September/October flyer that our Central Market store
(run by HEB) puts out that they had a small blurb on double cream this
month. This is the specialty grocery that we have here in Austin that
I've mentioned before. Lots of wondeful goodies. Rather hard on the
pocketbook, though. If any of you are in Houston or San Antonio, I
encourage you to look them up since they have opened or are opening
stores in those cities soon.

Anyway, while not necessarily period, I though some of you might
enjoy the article.

- ------
Finest Creams from Devon's Countryside

>From Devon, England's cream country, we're bringing in two luscious
British Creams. Decon Cream Company's Double Devon Cream and Clotted
Cream are richer and thicker than American whipping cream.  They are
the classic toppings for scones, cake and berries, but they have plenty
of other uses.

Try adding Double Devon Cream to pasta. Let the cream stand at room
temperature until slightly thinned (or gently heat it), then pour it
over pasta and toss until the pasta absorbs the cream.

Clotted Cream is a delicious topping for waffles and cobbler.  Try
stirring it into pan juices for a rich sauce (but don't let it boil
or it will curdle).  Clotted cream is also the traditional spread
for scones.

Devon Cream Company creams are packaged in 6-ounce bottles. Look for
them in the cheese department. They keep for one year unopened. Once
opened, they should be used within one week.
- -----

"6-ounce"! bottles? Sounds expensive, but after some of the comments
here on this list, I may have to try some.

- -- 
Lord Stefan li Rous    Barony of Bryn Gwlad    Kingdom of Ansteorra
Mark S. Harris             Austin, Texas           stefan at
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