SC - Traps?

James F. Johnson seumas at
Wed Mar 8 22:33:35 PST 2000

hey all from Anne-Marie

I am a Pelican and a Laurel in the SCA. I cook. I cook period food and
research period food. I feel very strongly that you cannot separate good
food from period a Laurel I would not consider someone who
produced ookie unpalatable glog, no matter how well researched, a master of
their art. (and I doubt that if its nasty, its all that well researched. My
primary tenet has always been, there's no such thing as bad period food,
only bad period cooks!)

At my vigil, there was much discussion as to what was an art, and what was
service. I still maintain that its all service, whether you wield a spoon,
a clipboard or even a sword in support of your kingdom. It was suggested to
me that a Pelican feeds her populace. A Laurel, however, masters the medium
and makes it her own, transmuting it into something greater than it was
(boy, that was a huggy touchy feel-y moment :)). Much of that actually
happens outside the kitchen, in the reconstruction of new recipes, the
teaching of others, the publishing of original cookbooks and reserach
materials, etc.

I am curious as to what the original creators of the "laurel kitchen" vs
"Pel kitchen" were thining of....did one do spagetti and the other period
food? did one do good food and the other swill?

Its all about service...why draw distinctions?

- --AM

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