SC - Period recipes for lavender?

Thomas Gloning gloning at Mailer.Uni-Marburg.DE
Wed May 31 15:13:36 PDT 2000

Or is what you want really a sieve?


Date: Wed, 31 May 2000 00:11:29 -0500
From: Stefan li Rous <stefan at>
Subject: Re: SC - "throrow a straynour" - A query about horsetail

Ras said:
> Strainers made of horsehair are occasionally available in finer cooking
> even today. However, I doubt they would stand up to the process needed to
> whip egg whites.

So why would you want such an item today? It would seem like a strainer of
that style made with monofilament line or some other polymer would be
stronger and less effected by humidity than horsehair.

> Other strainers I seen pictured were low sided pans with
> holes in the bottom and at least one Roman source that showed a metal
> strainer which closely resembles today's rounded strainer with holes.

Although, I used to call such items "strainers" isn't the better term
for these "colanders" or are colanders something else?

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