SC - OOP - Sweet Potato Kugel Seton1355 at
Fri Nov 3 14:15:34 PST 2000

And it came to pass on 3 Nov 00, , that Jenne Heise wrote:

> Raw veggies: turnips, celery, and carrots. (Raw carrot eating appears to
> be unperiod, but I have references which may be to eating celery and
> turnips raw as snacks)

>  -- 
> Jadwiga Zajaczkowa, mka Jennifer Heise	      jenne at

Permit me to offer a period reference to raw carrot eating:

Enrique de Villena, _Arte Cisoria_ (The Art of Carving)
Spanish, 1423
(my translation)

The carrots, when eaten raw, are to be well cleaned of the dirt and 
the thin hairs that they have, scraped with the knife that cuts them; 
then remove their leaves with all of the green and cut it them into 
four parts, removing the core from each part, if they are thick and 
will allow it; [do] that upon serving them; and if they are long, divide 
each quarter in two or three parts; and if they are thin, there is very 
little core in them and know that you can eat everything together.

Does that ease your conscience a little?
Lady Brighid ni Chiarain
Settmour Swamp, East (NJ)
mka Robin Carroll-Mann
harper at

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