[Sca-cooks] Cookies are sorted!

Tara Sersen Boroson tsersen at nni.com
Sun Dec 16 17:16:11 PST 2001

Thank you to Iulliana and Etain who came by to help me sort the cookies!
    We had a lot of fun!

Based on how many boxes of cookies we got, how many "in the mail"
promises we got and how many people went AWOL, we made up 24 boxes of
cookies.  We resorted some so that people got a bit more than expected.
  We're sending the rest of the extras (except the alcoholic ones!) on
to a local shelter.  I'm going to hang on to those extras for a day or
two, though, to see if anybody else's cookies come in so I can get
cookies out to that person.

We sampled a few, and what we tried were *awesome*.  Thank you to
everybody who participated!  I learned a few things about organizing
this, and look forward to doing it again next year.

Since I got several promises of recipes that haven't shown up yet, and
obviously everybody on the list has e-mail, I'm going to e-mail the
recipe booklet out in a few days.  Several people did include printouts
of their recipes, too, so those'll be in the boxes.  They will also be
uploaded to the Yahoo site for anybody else who is interested.

I'll be hanging out close to home tomorrow to wait for the last few
expected deliveries before shipping the cookies out to everyone tomorrow
afternoon.  I've got my fingers crossed - I know at least two more boxes
are coming!


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