[Sca-cooks] Master A's Feast; my 2 cents

A. F. Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 8 07:41:10 PST 2001

Oh, they've been griping on the EK list, let me tell you!   As I said, he's
been very patient. Puck was driven to offer a money back guarantee to
anyone who eats it, and then can look him in the eye and tell him it wasn't
worth $15.

Somehow, I don't think he'll have any takers.

You know, I can spend that much for a plate of ravioli and a salad... just
because I don't want to cook, and decided against take out. I can even
spend it for takeout, though that takes a bit more concentration... But
then, I live in Manhattan. If I could rationally schlep all the way to the
Northern Wastes of Rhode Island, and the entire thought of the expense of
the trip itself wasn't just too much, I'd find $15 for a Kingdom Feast
perfectly reasonable. No, not for every ordinary local event, but they tell
me that this is The Big Annual Kingdom Level Blast! I guess my priorities
are different. People outside NY don't seem to see travel as an expense...
but food is.

Anne the Confused

> [Original Message]
> From: Siegfried Heydrich <baronsig at peganet.com>
>     Ummmm . . . did I read that aright - $15 for feast? Jeeze, down here
> people have to pay $7 for feast, they feel it's too much and gripe. I'm
> proposing a feast for $10, and encountering a LOT of resistance.
>     Sieggy

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