[Sca-cooks] pregnancy and infants in the SCA

A. F. Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Fri Dec 14 20:11:40 PST 2001

I remember that! I actually ate it! I only remember making it on vacation,
which suggests that my mother may have put it in the same category as
highly sugared and junky cereals... these things were not forbidden, she
did not believe in creating forbidden fruit. But we could only have them on
vacation... they weren't real food. (Oh, she also told us we could get the
cereals as candy, because that's what they were. We decided they weren't
very good candy.)


> [Original Message]
> From: Philip & Susan Troy <troy at asan.com>
> Our neighbors down the street, a sort of inbred mutant clan with some
> interesting dietary habits, used to eat something called
> "Shake-A-Pudding", which was pretty scary stuff. It came in a tub rather
> like Play-Doh, you would add milk (I guess) to the powder therein, and
> shake it up until it was glutinous and nasty...
> ics...
> Adamantius

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