[Sca-cooks] eating from couches or lounges

bonneoftraquair at netscape.net bonneoftraquair at netscape.net
Fri Dec 28 17:26:26 PST 2001

>This also brought up some of the period discussions of
>manners, including such things as admonitions in
>period, to not use more than the tips of your fingers
>in food,

Is my family weird maybe?  You see, I know that I was actually taught how to eat with my fingers, at least those foods that it is acceptable to eat with your fingers: fried chicken being the most notable, french fries running a close 2nd and bacon close behind.

Certainly, one uses only the tips fingertips.  Of only the first two or maybe three fingers, and the thumb. Burgers and sandwiches must be held 'delicately, and if that takes all the fingers of both hands, so be it, but do not tuck the food all the way against your plams.  Also, take a bite, put the rest down while chewing.  Do not hold it in both hands while diving in repeatedly for more. After each bite-sized piece of food, or after putting the larger item back on the plate between bites use a napkin to clean the fingertips as much as possible, there should NEVER be any greasy evidence on glasses or utensils. Also, of course, clean around your mouth whether or not you think there is any sauce or grease lingering there.  Better to dab around your lips needlessly than leave your neighbors to see you in a mess.


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