[Sca-cooks] Fighter food

Pixel, Queen of Cats pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com
Wed Jul 25 05:49:48 PDT 2001

On Tue, 24 Jul 2001, Philip Troy wrote:

> > >Gatorade (blech. But it's a fighting event, you gotta have it.)
> >
> > Why? I really don't think that there would be
> > a single fighter who would raise a major stink
> > if there were no gatorade. Especially if stuff
> > like pickles and oranges were carried around. Fighters
> > drink gatorade because it's there. It doesn't supply
> > really what is needed, that's just advertising.
> Possibly, my own personal experience excepted. Much as I hate to admit it, I
> have yet to run across anything that will rehydrate me as well as the
> steenkeeng Gatorade. I also get intense muscle cramps when dehydrated, and
> the only thing that comes close to Gatorade for putting those away is tonic
> water. Not pickles, not bananas, not beer, and not any of the other more
> palatable suggestions I've heard of. Yes, Gatorade does taste like two
> gallons worth of bad-quality powdered lemonade mix dissolved in one gallon of
> seawater, but for me it does have a niche. But then, when I do drink it, I'll
> usually have either about three ounces of the stuff, or the equivalent
> diluted heavily.
> Adamantius

I found another powdered sports drink at REI (although you could probably
find it other places) called Gookinaid E.R.G. <tm>. It has the advantage
of having at least one flavor that has no artificial food coloring (yet
is not clear, and thus is easily determined to be not water) which
means I can tolerate large amounts of it, tastes pretty good, and no
bananas are required. They have a web site with some actually useful info
on it about electrolyte loss, and content information for various sports


It comes in tubs or packets. REI sells a quart packet for $.85--they
didn't have the tubs when I was there last.

It's kind of a cheezy web site, but so far the product is pretty
good. IIRC, the fruit punch has artificial color in it, but the lemonade,
orange, and citrus flavors don't.

Margaret FitzWilliam

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