[Sca-cooks] True sandwich

Ted Eisenstein Alban at socket.net
Tue Jun 12 08:19:05 PDT 2001

>You are all infidels!
>The One True Sandwich is grilled cheese.  On a griddle, melt real butter.
>Lay two slices of white bread on the grill.  When the bread is toasted, add
>more butter and flip the bread.  While it is toasting the second sides, lay
>two slices of American cheese on each slice of bread.  When the second sides
>of the bread are toasted, put the sandwich together with a spatula, then
>lift on to a paper plate so any extraneous butter will be absorbed.
>Serve with a couple of slices of a chilled homegrown tomato (beefsteak,
>preferably), a dill pickle wedge, Lays potato chips, and a tall glass of
>cold chocolate milk.

To quote someone else. . . Heretic! Harrumph! One should not, cannot, must
not toast both sides of the bread and then add the cheese; one assembles the
sandwich first, and then grill it! That allows for the proper melding of the
cheese with the bread, unifying the creaminess of the one with the buttery
crispness of the other.

At least you didn't add munster, cheddar, brie, or one of them thar furrin
cheeses. . .



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