[Sca-cooks] Re: Medieval cooking for modern cooks (in response to the

welsh10thcent at tds.net welsh10thcent at tds.net
Thu Nov 8 13:23:51 PST 2001

Okay just my 2cents worth too, why not everyone else does :)

Potlucks are a good way to share but when i am involved in a pot luck it is very good if you bring copies of the recipes you use and then share, that way it becomes a learning not just an eating adventure.

I will admit i didnt read the rant, but i do think when people arent familiar with medieval food they are a bit reluctant to try it in a feast setting since, you pay a lot for a feast and if your have little extra money ie spend 7 bucks on a feast or 7 bucks for enough raman noodles for a week.

i know when i joined i would not try a lot of things since i didnt know how they were fixed but now the more i learn thru potlucks at our new members teas on sundays or tastings and such at other things i see that their foods were really no different than ours, as a matter of fact there have been few new notions in cooking in a long time.

I was baking for our cloved orange ball some cinnamon Sugar cakes and figgy pies, when i started with them i was like omg cinnamon shortbread and midieval fig newtons, to fun.  i have also noticed that a lot of others in our barony from talking with them learned by going to the teas and potlucks and sharing recipes that is how they got into actually eating medieval foods.

So i say Potlucks are a good thing, "oh god how did martha steward possess me"

Morvran in Service

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