Seton1355 at aol.com Seton1355 at aol.com
Thu Nov 15 12:12:14 PST 2001

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
You're kidding!
You want to make gefillte fish?
OK then.....

Gefilte Fish, Homemade III (P, TNT)
Source: my mom's
Serves: 16-20 Stock:
Bones, heads, and skin from the fish
3 quarts water
4 large carrots, peeled and slices about 1/2"
1 cup celery, sliced to 1/2"
1/2 cup parsnips, sliced 1/2"
2 onions, sliced
1 tablespoon saltFish:
2 pounds yellow pike
2 pounds white fish
1 large onion
4 slices challah
white pepper
4 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar or substitute
In an enamel pot bring all stock ingredients to a boil and simmer. You can
place the bones, skin, and heads in cheesecloth and tie. Have your fish store
grind the fillets or grind them yourself. If you grind the fish yourself, add
the challah and onion-alternating with the fish. I then place the ground fish
in a food processor and process for about two minute to "fluff" the fish. Do
not puree! Add water if the fish is too "stiff." In the bowl of an electric
mixer place fish mixture, eggs, salt, white pepper, and sugar. The fish
should taste peppery. Beat at medium speed for 5 minutes. With wet hands,
place about 1/2 to 1 cup of the fish mixture in your hands and shape into an
oval. Drop each oval into the simmering stock. Cover and simmer in the pot
for 1 hour; then move the cover slightly to the side and simmer for another
two hours. Place the fish balls in a bowl; cover with stock and carrots. Some
people eat the head and bones. Chill several hours. To serve, place a fish
ball over lettuce with a piece of carrot on the top.
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> Recipe please?  Always looking for something to spoil
> the boyfriend with.

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