[Sca-cooks] Oranges! Apple and Pears

Karen O kareno at lewistown.net
Thu Nov 1 18:26:46 PST 2001

Arte wrote:
> I am trying to make different types of preserved items for presentation
gifts.  I bought a bunch of pears and apples (and oranges, oh my!)<

    You could also just do the simple jam/conserve thing like I did just a
couple weeks ago.  I made up pear and ginger conserve (jam by any other
name) and apple butter, put it sweet little jelly jars for gifties for  the
Royals to hand out.   I did  Chokecherry jelly as well, but that's a local
specialty which makes them quite unique  {yes Finnebhar, as soon as I can
drive again, your jars o'jelly are being sent}

 > I'm especially interested in orange recipes since I can get a TON of
oranges around where I work (Ventura, California...home of millions of

        Depending on how far back your memory goes,  there was at least 3
times that many  orchards when I lived there.  OH OH I'm traveling that way
the 17th of November!!  My kid  {and most my family}lives in your area!
Maybe we can talk ?

{Californai girl, now an Artemisian}

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