[Sca-cooks] The Tofurky Report

johnna holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Fri Nov 23 10:03:56 PST 2001

Whatever comfort food serves the need...
I have to admit that I did not feel the need
for the array of jell-o salads that usually
were offered at Grandma's house in decades past,
but I kinda missed the pecan pie... That of
course can be remedied...I just have to make
the menfolk get busy with the nutcrackers and
shell the pecans...

Johnnae llyn Lewis  Johnna Holloway

> margaret wrote:
> What my dear friend is bacalao? The rest sounds lovely and is a very good
> > combination of flavors. Margarite
> Philip & Susan Troy wrote:
> This is basically a salad of flaked salt cod, avocado, red onion, hard-boiled egg (I think she included tomato this time, too), with thick green olive oil and lemon juice. This is usually served, or so I gather, with a side assortment of firm vegetables, usually some combination of batata, taro, and/or yucca, with ripe or green plantains. In this case the verdura (the yucca, etc.) were just mixed in, in large chunks, except for the plantains, which were unripe and sort of potato-ey textured when cooked, and just peeled and slit to facilitate cooking; this was just mixed in with the other ingredients. Compared to a lot of the traditional American Thanksgiving fare, it's a nice, light, fresh-tasting pace-breaker.
> Adamantius -- so many cuisines, so little time

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