[Sca-cooks] Thanksgiving feasts

A. F. Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Mon Nov 26 11:21:52 PST 2001

I was just cooking for myself and my brother, so didn't make much. And I
was working long hours all the previous week, so, no energy.  Did sort of
stumble into a turkey, so roasted that... had been planning just a breast!

Roast Turkey with an onion inside, sitting on carrots and celery in the pan

Pan juices just thickened for gravy - and very good, too!

rice pilaf with mushrooms


cranberry sauce from a can - remember, I had no time...

Dilly beans I had made previously

Brother brought bread he'd made, salad, and some kind of pistachio mousse
thing... I was carefully not serving yams, stuffing, pumpkin pie, all of
which he dislikes, but it didn't occur to him that I might like the nuts
but dislike anything pistachio flavored... besides, pale green stuff looked
a bit, well... And he wouldn't let me refrigerate it, didn't tell me it was
mousse, said it was a cake... I sent the rest home with him!

Oh, and a nice Riesling

Anyhow, it was nice, and I'll be eating turkey for Easter.


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