[Sca-cooks] foodie quiz

Jennifer Thompson JenniferT at ptb.com
Mon Oct 29 06:50:17 PST 2001

Way too easy, considering I'm the cooking weenie here  and *I* scored an


p.s. Obligatory dumb question.....I have a chinoise for making jelly, but
what's a china cap? Unless the chinoise isn't what I think it is, in which
case, I exit hastily, blushing in advance.

> From Vincent :
> ...determine your personal level of culinary geekdom.
> Do you, or Have you ever:

> 1. Lectured complete strangers on the uses of unfamiliar foodstuffs?

Yes, in my local Albertson's, thereby winning the immediate affection of my
produce manager (who I knew was standing nearby) since *his* manager, who'd
fought him on the blood oranges, was also within earshot. Produce managers
*like* new stuff. Store managers like bananas and Red Delicious apples.

> 7. Foregone buying ice cream because the soup bones have
> taken over your freezer?

Who says the ice cream has to make it into the freezer?

I think there should be a corollary to this; specifically for SCA use - ever
filled your freezer, half the shire's freezers and a couple of relatives'
freezer's with a feast component? Remember the split pea soup for Crown
Tourney, Gwyneth?

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