[Sca-cooks] lands

Robert Garnett carnelian at inet.net.nz
Wed Oct 3 13:57:52 PDT 2001

Hi All,

While attending an event in America a friend of mine mentioned that he was
from New Zealand, one of the women in the group of people he was talking to
asked him if it was a long drive from the site. She was then confused when
most of the group started laughing until someone explained where New
Zealand was.

Although the one that still amuses me most was an encounter I had while I
was in America. I was talking to a Duke who I knew was from my kingdom,
after chatting for a some time he asked me where I was from. When I told
him I was from Southron Gaard he thought for a minute and said "is that in
Australia", I then explained that it was New Zealand and part of his
kingdom. The look on his face was priceless he knew he had put his foot in
it but did not know what to say.


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