[Sca-cooks] A little diversion

A. F. Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Mon Oct 29 08:54:58 PST 2001

OK, let me try answering them all.

> [Original Message]
> From: Vincent Cuenca <bootkiller at hotmail.com>
> 1. Lectured complete strangers on the uses of unfamiliar foodstuffs?

Actually, I get paid to do this... *G*

> 2. Know what "rocket" is?

Of course! (See #5, below)
> 3. Sneered at the lazy yuppie scum who buy premade polenta at the
> supermarket?

I did, until I found myself in a store at 9:30 PM, hungry, and decided that
premade polenta with cheese was better than a frozen dinner... It is now my
version of down and dirty convenience food, for my busy season.
> 4. Grown your own herbs?

Yes, of course!
> 5. Grown your own vegetables?

It's hard, on an apartment windowsill. I've only managed cherry tomatoes,
cutting lettuce and other salad greens, and a kale plant.
> 6. Grown your own wheat?

No. See #5. I could do wheatgrass, but that never appealed to me.
> 7. Foregone buying ice cream because the soup bones have taken over your
> freezer?

Yes. And the soup. And the stock. And the cooked beans and grains, so I
don't have to do #3 again. And I only have a small inside the fridge

> 8. Made your own demi-glace?

No. Stock, of course, and pretty concentrated, but I never brought it down
that far. I'll try some day.
> 9. Own five mortars and pestles, but can't find your pepper mill?

I already answered that one. I can't imagine not knowing where my pepper
mill is... I do notice that no one who has answered seems to have even
heard of the abomination known as a pepper shaker...
> 10. Consider your mother a heretic for buying premade pie crusts?

No, and you wouldn't either if you had tried her homemade ones, she and I
are bread bakers, don't seem to have that light touch.
> 11. Subscribe to seven cooking magazines but mooch newspapers from your
> coworkers?

No. I just buy cookbooks. I'm afraid to subscribe to magazines...
> 12. Stayed up late reading Escoffier, Brillat-Savarin, or Julia Child?

Not them, but others...
> 13. Say to yourself, "I can cook better than this" at a trendy restaurant?

Sure. Doesn't everyone?
> 14. Know the difference between a china cap and a chinoise?
Got me there... When all the answers are in, would someone please explain?

> 15. Fantasize about meeting Charles Ranhofer, James Beard, or Martino da
> Como?
Not really... MFK Fisher, maybe... she's interesting...

> 16. Brag about your 10-inch Dick?
> 17. Know what the last question was about, you vulgar little creature,

Well, I can guess, and if I could have one, it's not vulgar, right?
> 18. Have a special carrying case for your knives, sharpening steel,
> whetstone, and knife oil?
No. I've never really cooked anyplace but home.

> 19. Spend hours in the "Used Equipment" section of the restaurant supply
> store?

Don't dare..

> 20. Kept a sourdough starter alive for more than two months?

Of course. (See #10 above.)
I don't really know my score, because several of my answers are in the


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