[Sca-cooks] The passing of a cook

XvLoverCrimvX at aol.com XvLoverCrimvX at aol.com
Mon Sep 10 13:51:22 PDT 2001

In a message dated 9/10/01 7:25:39 AM Eastern Daylight Time, troy at asan.com

> Justin Wilson was (is?) an ancient and venerable Cajun gentleman who,
>  among other things, brought Cajun in particular, and general Southern to
>  some extent, cooking to the world via a fairly famous television series.
>  He was kind of an old-fashioned-looking man with a gray moustache, just
>  a touch like a Manly Wade Wellman character, until he opened his mouth.
>  Generally very unpretentious: he would say things like, "I gots to see
>  if this yee-ah wahne is gooood. [Guzzle] Yep. It _is_ gooood. I gone put
>  some in this yee-ah pot. Now this yee-ah dish call for red wahne, an dat
>  because red wahne is dee kind of wahne dat Ah like."
>  Trademark Justin Wilson behavior would include sloshing alcohol of any
>  kind into dishes until it looked right to him (read, "plenty"), while
>  pretending to measure carefully [Slosh slosh slosh. "You wan add about a
>  quawtuh cup." Slosh slosh slosh. "Dat look about right." Slosh. "Dat
>  look like a quawtuh cup to you?" Slosh.]
>  And then, of course, he had his famous "HOOOOOOOOOO Boyyyyy! Dat eat
>  goooood!"

Please don't castrate me or anything, but Justin Wilson sounds a lot like
Emeril Lagasse (sp?).

Who ducks for the rock before getting pelted with stones.

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