[Sca-cooks] Links: Medieval Cooking, Combat, Celtic Art,

Decker, Terry D. TerryD at Health.State.OK.US
Wed Apr 3 06:51:13 PST 2002

The sabra fruit is kinda interesting too.  IIRC, sabra fruit is the fruit of
a prickly pear cactus (Opuntia ficus-indica) which is of Central American
origin and was introduced into Palestine in the late 19th Century.  Veddy
good research there, eh?


> And as a typically Crusader dish, there's "halvah parfait," made by
> mixing modern (sesame and egg white) halvah with whipped cream and
> freezing, then serving with a sauce of passion fruit... as if *that*
> is typically Medieval Levantine fruit... Sure...
> Anahita

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