[Sca-cooks] OOP, OT _The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_

Harris Mark.S-rsve60 Mark.s.Harris at motorola.com
Wed Apr 3 13:59:13 PST 2002

Master Cariadoc said:
>Seton1355 at aol.com writes:
>>  _The Moon is a Harsh Mistress_
>The first Heinlein book I read in my young life. I was in the third or fourth
>grade. This was back in the day when people didn't pay as much attention to
>what's in School Libraries as they do now. I'm afraid it started a lifelong
>addiction and forever warped my character.

In my case, it converted me from a classical liberal bothered by the
problem of where even a limited state got the right to make morally
binding laws to an anarchist. That's why Heinlein is one of the
people my first book was dedicated to.

An anarchist? But, but... I thought you taught law. This seems
so contradictory.

I'm sure I've read "the Moon is a Harsh Mistress". I've read quite
a number of Heinlein's books and many other Sci-Fi authors as well.
But I'm drawing a blank on the quotations folks are giving and the
plot, although I've got an idea of it. Guess it is time to get a
copy and read it again.

Your Grace, what was your first book? I'm afraid I'm only familar
with the Miscellany and your period cookbook volumes.

Do folks teach how to redact law books? Or maybe there is a computer
translation program that does this? :-)

Stefan li Rous
stefan at texas.net

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