perfume and stuff wasRe: [Sca-cooks] Feast Ambience - incense

Kirrily Robert skud at
Thu Aug 1 18:22:24 PDT 2002

One of the ladies in my canton is sensitive to the smell of lavender.  I
use lavender quite a lot at camping events... a sponge bath with a
couple of drops of lavender oil freshens me up at least once and
usually twice a day, and I put lavender in amongst my linens to keep
them smelling fresh.  So I try to be aware of how lavendery I am, and if
I run into this lady when I'm particularly smelly (like just after
washing) I will warn her so she can keep her distance or catch me at
some other time.



Lady Katherine Rowberd (mka Kirrily "Skud" Robert)
katherine at
Caldrithig, Skraeling Althing, Ealdormere
"The rose is red, the leaves are grene, God save Elizabeth our Queene"

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