[Sca-cooks] asthma, was Olwen, was new question

Phlip phlip at 99main.com
Fri Dec 27 08:32:28 PST 2002

Ene bichizh ogsen baina shuu...

> you call 911 if the usual treatment(whatever that is) isnt working.
> thats when to call 911
> in my case if the frech air and antihistimines dont loosen up my throat in
> minutes.. or if it appears to be getting worse, not better.
> in an asthmatics case, if two puffs of their usual inhaler havent worked
> they need to go to a hospital and get on their nebulizer.
> and of course if a person is unconscious...
> (and NEVER give medication to an unconscious person unless you darned well
> know exactly what you are doing.)
> Kirsten

Let me modify this slightly.

ANYONE has the right, and the responsibility, to call 911 if they feel that
there is a life-threatening circumstance occurring. You, the patient, may
feel it is unecessary, but you don't have to be treated by them, if you
don't wish to. I, and every medically trained person in the world would much
rather go out on a false alarm, than get there too late.

Call 911. You might just save someone's life.


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