[Sca-cooks] Apologies for Estrella (again)

Anne du Bosc mordonna22 at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 20 04:32:21 PST 2002

Well, I had a lovely WAR, except for one small
incident.  Imagine my shock when, upon arrival, I
discovered that the pavilion with tables, chairs,
and heaters we had been promised for the Cook's
Party and Potluck wasn't there.  I promptly made
plans to move the whole thing to my encampment,
and left instructions with Herald's point to
announce the party would be Friday night at my
pavilion.  Which they announced all day SATURDAY!
GRRRRRRR!!!!!  I sat all Friday night alone in my
pavilion, with my lovely cormarye.  Saturday
night, I went wandering (not having heard a
single herald all day.)  It wasn't until late
Saturday night (or early Sunday morning, I guess)
that the Baronial Sheriff (who parked his
encampment next to ours) told me we'd had several
visitors looking for the party.  I am soooo
sorry.  Once again, the Estrella party was a
bust.  I am so discouraged.
Not to worry about the cormarye, though.  When my
household returned from Court around nine, they
tasted it, and two of the "gentlemen" promptly
ate the entire three pound pork roast.  There was
none left by the time the third guy got in from
his Chirurgeon's class.  We three ladies got one
slice, apiece.
Next year, I'm going to plan to have the whole
thing in my pavilion, and put up posters all over
camp, with directions.  I did have lots of people
express an interest after the fiasco.
Recipe content:
3lb. boneless ham
1 pint sweet red wine
3 cups red wine vinegar
1 head garlic, peeled and crushed
1 tablespoon crushed coriander seed
1 tablespoon crushed carraway seed
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon black peppercorns, crushed

I marinated the ham in the sauce overnight in the
cooler, then placed it in a large enamel
casserole with lid and covered with the sauce.  I
dug a hole about 2 inches wider than the
casserole, and put a layer of coals on the
bottom.  Placed the pan in the hole, then covered
it with coals and a layer of dirt about two
inches thick.  Did this about noon, and the roast
was well done and very tender when I dug it up
around 5:30.

Anyone who missed Estrella this year, begin your
plans for year after next, which will be the
twentieth anniversary.  Should be a big shindig.
Yes, we are, once again, having site problems.
The site we have used for the last four years is
no longer a part of Schnepf farms.  It's been
sold to a housing developer.  Not to worry,
though.  I'm sure we will have a suitable site by
Estrella XX.

Anne du Bosc
Known as Mordonna the Cook

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