[Sca-cooks] recipes re: lots of pickles

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 26 10:47:45 PST 2002

Arte asked:
>  Would you mind sharing the recipes you have for pickling?  I just got
>  involved in pickling this year (last year I was making jams...yummy),
>  so if you wouldn't mind to share?

Well, i didn't make the pickles you're asking about, but, i have
worked out recipes that i made for Boar Hunt 2001 for on my website:
The lemons with pomegranates is a fresh relish. The rest are pickles.
I made several gallons of each for the feast.

-- Lemon chopped with sugar and sprinkled with pomegranate seeds -
Marx Rumpolt, Ein New Kochbuch, German, 1581
-- Marinated Beets with horseradish in red wine vinegar and red wine
with spices - Marx Rumpolt
(needed more horseradish, IMO)
-- A condiment of Cucumber - in white wine vinegar with spices,
saffron, and mustard - Ein Buch von Guter Spise, German, 14th c.
-- A condiment of Red Cabbage -in red wine vinegar with honey and
spices - Guter Spise
-- Pickled Button Mushrooms - in white wine vinegar and white wine,
with spices and fresh ginger - "Lady Elinor Fettiplace's Receipt
Book", late 16th century, and "Sir Kenelm Digbie's Closet Unlock'd
(or is it Open'd?)", mid-17th century

The whole menu with access to all the recipes is at:

And there's the Compost recipe i made for Boar Hunt 2000 - 4 gallons
of the stuff. Most of it got eaten.
It's really good as a side dish, sort of like a chutney - goes with
chicken, pork, vegetables... I made my own Lombard mustard for this.
It was quite good.

The whole menu with access to all the recipes is at:


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