[Sca-cooks] Andalusian feast

lilinah at earthlink.net lilinah at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 24 23:00:28 PST 2002

Philippa Alderton <phlip_u at yahoo.com>
>phoenissa at netscape.net wrote:
>  > Greetings!  As I mentioned several weeks ago on
>  > this list, I'm cooking a feast for an event my
>  > college is hosting in early March - the theme is an
>  > Andalusian wedding feast (early 13th c).  It's my
>  > first feast ever and I'm more than a little nervous
>  > about it. snipped----------------
>  > I think the three courses will probably take 3-3 1/2
>  > hours to serve, but
>  > there will be lots of entertainment and stuff, so I
>  > hope people won't
>  > get bored. snipped-----------
>I tend to agree that 3+ hours is too long unless the
>chairs/benches are very comfortable- my back hurts
>just thinking about trying to sit that long.

Well, most of the feasts i've been to in the West have been this
long. We don't have all that many since most of our events are
camping events, so i think we like to linger at our feasts.

Most of the halls we rent have those standard metal folding chairs
with sort of curved seats and backs, and lots of folks bring their
own seat pads.

We also tend to have stuff going on between courses. Sometimes Court;
often folks get up to dance (we have some musicians and there's
always "bard in a box"; there's a professional magician in the
Kingdom who does Medieval magic tricks at events (he won't do modern
magic at an SCA event); and often folks start singing (we have lots
of Bards). At one feast it turned out that a number of folks knew how
to juggle so there was this impromptu multi-person juggling thing
going on. And once there was someone who knew how to "eat fire", so
he was pretty entertaining, he wasn't asked to do it, he just brought
his stuff along.

At this feast there will be the wedding; i'm trying to recruit some
Andalusian or at least Near Eastern dancers; and we're plotting the
possibility of making some live music, although that could be a
problem since the musicians are me, Vittoria the Head Cook, "the
groom", and a non-SCAdian Goth i know. Yeah, i think folks will be

who looks forward to getting to sitting for 3 hours at a feast
instead of standing for 15 hours in the kitchen

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