[Sca-cooks] Re: Sca-cooks digest, Vol 1 #2205 - Drakey, Geese, Latin

Marcus Loidolt mjloidolt at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 26 07:45:34 PDT 2002

--- sca-cooks-request at ansteorra.org wrote:

> Today's Topics:
>    4. Drakeys big ......   was Hobarts and
> convection ovens for baking
> (Robyn.Hodgkin at affa.gov.au)
> convection ovens
>        forbaking (Jones, Craig)
>   11. Re: Latin lesson, OT OOP (vongraph)
>   12. Re: Latin lesson, OT OOP (Laura C. Minnick)

First, Drakey, you need to move to the Middle, several
young single costuming(though not necessarily
Elizabethan) lady Laurels here, also a few gentlemen
if you don't mind swinging a bit!!

Second, you all wont' fit under that rock, at least
not with the chickens, ducks and geese!!! Unless of
course they are all freezer wrapped??!!
  Story: My geese went walking yesterday, escaped from
the yard and were walking calmly down to the
INTERSTATE!!! when my neighbor called to inform me of
this parade which had just passed his house!! I got in
the car, circled round the block to head them off at
the pass/corner. I got there, honked my horn, and
yelled out the window, "Archery, Calligraphy, go
Whereupon they all turned around and did exactly
Single file up the middle of the road to my driveway,
up the drive and right back through the same hole they
got out of!!! ( Which I prompty fixed!!) There they
sat in a cirle waiting and chatting quietly as if to
say "Well, we have been waiting here all day for you
to come and fix that hole!!"
Who needs more children at home? I have 30 in the
classroom, and these so-and-sos at home??

3. The Latin, I agree, bad grammar and a little
awkward, but in its' corrected form, much better, "I
rise from the struggle"

Johann von Metten, OL
medieval poulrier

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