[Sca-cooks] My Party Under the Rock

A F Murphy afmmurphy at earthlink.net
Wed Jul 3 10:20:02 PDT 2002

This and the heat (We're having a heat wave)  together are reminding me
of a friend who married one September, but it was over 100 degrees... he
told me the cake melted. He was picking it up at the bakery, and the
filling softened, and the top layer sort of slid...

I wasn't there - I was at another wedding... where the only thing
provided to drink was Scotch. Had to go to a cash bar for anything else.
Lemonade would have been nice, in the heat,  but wasn't an option...


Pixel, Goddess and Queen wrote:

>No, it doesn't travel well at all. It has to stay reasonably cold so the
>buttercream that's holding the layers apart continues to hold the layers
>apart, otherwise the weight of the top three layers causes the mousse to
>squish out on the bottom. [And I bet you're all wondering how I know
>That's why the mousse recipe is what it is--it's not so light and fluffy
>as to immediately squoosh out of the cake when you cut it.
>And alas, I am not going to Pennsic this year. Mom's current prognosis is
>3-6 months, and I don't dare risk being where she (or any of the rest of
>the family) can't immediately get in touch with me if necessary.

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