[Sca-cooks] Fermented fish

lilinah at mail.earthlink.net lilinah at mail.earthlink.net
Fri Jul 12 10:38:32 PDT 2002

"Pixel, Goddess and Queen" <pixel at hundred-acre-wood.com> wrote:
>Gefilte fish is minced and poached, made from fresh fish. IIRC, it comes
>from a stuffed fish preparation made in response to a proscription against
>picking at the bones of your dinner--if you take all the meat and mince it
>up, then put it back in the skin, you can eat it all with no waste yet
>still be following the law.
>Gefilte=stuffed or filled. I don't recall if it's Low or High German,

High and Low German indicate geographic locations. High German is a
family of languages more or less from what is now Germany. Low German
is a family of languages from the Lowlands, i.e., more-or-less the
Netherlands and Belgium.

Yiddish is a form of High German, with borrowed words from another
language or two :-) So the word "gefilte" (as in the Jewish dish) is
High German.


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