[Sca-cooks] Eye Color was: OOP-vacation restaurants...

Laura C. Minnick lcm at efn.org
Sun Jun 30 02:54:26 PDT 2002

At 02:44 AM 6/30/02 -0700, you wrote:
>--- "Laura C. Minnick" <lcm at efn.org> wrote:
>> *source of controversy. He claims they're hazel. I
>> say they're green. I
>> think he should humor me but he hasn't yet learned
>> the magic words "Yes,
>> Dear..."
>Since I possess two eyes that are Hazel Green, I am
>qualified to comment on this.  It took me a long time
>to admit my eyes were Hazel.  I have always thought
>they were Green, but not standard emerald green.  More
>like a cross between jade green and avocado green.
>But after being informed by my opthamologist that my
>eyes were actually Hazel, I have started putting down
>Hazel/Green on any documents that require such
>information.  So, I think that if he thinks his eyes
>are Hazel and you think that they are Green, they are
>most likely are what I term "Hazel Green".

Hey Edouard! Did you see that? Someone who agrees with us both! Can we call

Thank you Huette. Now let's see if he's reading his mail ;-)

(For the record, they are a lovely... well, they look like travertine
marble- mostly a bluish green, with flecks of grey and brown, and a fair
amount of orange near the centers. I think they are the most beautiful eyes
I've ever seen...)

-yes, I'm besotted. Wanna make something of it? ;-D)
"We all need a little help- but I'm *basically* normal." -Rose Gumbo

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