[Sca-cooks] Sources of Protein

Tara Sersen Boroson tboroson at netcarrier.com
Sat Mar 2 13:30:22 PST 2002

> A small minority of fighters complain that our summer event dayboard
> doesn't have the protein they need because they won't eat eggs or cheese
> (the two proteins we tend to put out) while they are fighting.

A "small minority" will complain about anything, no matter how hard you
try.  Don't lose sleep over it.  I've been to events with awful
dayboards, and you know what?  People survived.  You put out a perfectly
good, balanced, nutritious dayboard.  You can't cater to every whiner.
Even to me and my dietary peculiarities ;)

> Chicken was what I had in mind, but roasting and cutting up 100 lbs of
> chicken into little bits and then keeping them carefully refrigerated to
> serve in very small bowls is going to be a hassle I'm beginning to
> think I'd rather do without.

Last year for Landsknecht, I used boneless/skinless chicken breasts that
Ysabeau found for some great price.  They were a *lot* easier than
handling whole chickens.  I roasted a bunch of them at a time, and
didn't need to debone them or skin them, just cut them into cubes.  Have
you inquired about her source?

> What protein sources am I overlooking?

Roasted whiney fighter ;)

My final word on the topic is:  As an occasional athlete myself (runner,
obsessive gym-goer...) I can tell you - a well-balanced diet over the
course of time goes a lot further for sustaining you during a workout
than the details of what you're eating or drinking at that moment.  (The
exception to that rule, of course, is getting enough water.)  Yes,
fighting is strenuous, but *good* fighting is as much brainwork as it is
a workout.  It's not like these guys are running a marathon, where that
level of fine-tuning makes a real difference.  If it were, there'd be a
much smaller percentage of size XXL fighters in our society.  If they
still insist on perfection according to their standards, they should
bring their own food to supplement what you're providing Just In Case.
Folks pay a lot more to run in a marathon, and still bring their own
PowerBar Gel packets.  If we start giving in to every demand made by a
whiner, we'll be creating a rediculous and unsustainable precedent.


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