[Sca-cooks] Stuffed Cabbage - Hulapchas

Randy Goldberg MD goldberg at bestweb.net
Fri Mar 29 14:34:24 PST 2002

The following reply is based on how MY grandmother made chalupkes.

> I assume this stem/rib extends up into the leaf. Do you mean just
> cut the stem off at the base of the leaf? Or cut along the rib so
> that it leaves a channel cut out of the leaf?

If you spread the leaf out flat on your board, the rib will project up.
I shave it off, with my knife held parallel to the board, so that the
leaf is more or less an even thickness all the way across.

> Since these are put into the water, isn't this boiling the leaves
> rather than steaming them? Or are these leaves really supposed to
> be put in a basket over the water in the steam rather than in it?

No, they're boiled. Remember, you're reading a lay-person's redaction.

> I'm not even sure I've seen a blini, must less made one. Someone
> please describe this folding.

Envelope style. Put the filling a bit north of the bottom edge of the
leaf. Fold it over once or twice, fold in the edges, and roll up

> This time, this means boil in the water, correct? Should the
> water cover the rolls? Halfway up? I assume the rolls are
> stacked on their ends.

I lay them down, side by side by side, and SIMMER for 3/4 hour.
Furthermore, I don't cook mine in plain water, I simmer them in a sweet,
tomato based sauce.


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