[Sca-cooks] Couple o' Links

Lis liontamr at ptd.net
Thu May 9 10:19:46 PDT 2002

Hi All. Thought you'd like to see these if you haven't already (taken from
my links post which is going out to the S. East Kingdom and Aethelmearc, so
sorry to reaped stuff to those who live there).



Culinary and Dietetic texts
A site prepared by Thomas Gloning dedicated to electronic resources for
Culinary and food/health texts.(Site Excerpt)This site is dedicated to the
study of historical texts on cookery, food, nutrition and dietetics. At
present, the main aim is to prepare a corpus of culinary and dietetic texts
and to make these texts freely available for different kinds of research. I
am particularly interested in the linguistic features (vocabulary, text
organization) and in the textual history of German culinary and dietetic
texts up to 1800 and of their early European counterparts in England, Italy,
France, Spain, Catalonia, Portugal and the Northern countries.

Forme of Curye Online
The scanned pages of an early (not modern) printed version of F.O.C.

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