[Sca-cooks] Speaking of Mongols...

Rosine rosine at sybercom.net
Thu May 9 10:33:01 PDT 2002

   Just as a further aside - The Great Dark Horde (well, in Atlantia) may
well be cooking feast for our Crown Tourney in November this year if my
barony's bid is accepted. That means me (Rosine), Master Thomas, Chimbai
(he's a trained "modern" chef, which I hadn't known before this year), and
Chon.... anyone got any suggestions? Thomas, of course, knows what he's
doing, but me - well, I've only cooked tavern fare before and assisted at
any other style feast. And Chimbai (scary man) suggested " mongolian white
feast" since the season is correct, but I'm sure he was joking. I hope.


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