[Sca-cooks] Period cooking and camping

johnna holloway johnna at sitka.engin.umich.edu
Wed May 22 09:05:21 PDT 2002

When we camped at Pennsic, we tended to "sandwich"
and munch things like fruits and sugar candies. And
we ate a lot of grilled steaks. The schedule tended to
be so hectic that no one ever had a fixed dinner or lunch
hour, so that precluded a lot of joint meals.
If we are daytripping, we tend to take drinks and lunch
and eat breakfast and supper on the way.

Johnna Holloway  Johnnae

AnnaMarie wrote:>
> Out of curiosity how many people at camping events try to do only period
> recipes?  Maybe only breakfast and dinner, or only dinner?

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