[Sca-cooks] Food Origins

Terry Decker t.d.decker at worldnet.att.net
Wed May 22 18:00:04 PDT 2002

North America

American groundnut (Apios americana)
Butternut (Eastern)

South America

Pineapple (world wide distribution is by Post-Columbian human intervention)
Cassava (tapioca or manioc is the extracted starch)

North and South America

Beans (the green or string bean should be included here)

North and Central America

Turkey (the domestic turkey is descended from the Rio Grande turkey which
ranges into Mexico.  There are five variants which range from the Eastern
Seaboard, through the prairie states and Texas into Central Mexico.  There
is a seperate species in Central America.)


Kiwi fruit (possibly not used in period.  Not to be confused with kiwi, a
flightless bird of New Zealand)

World wide

Bottle gourds

The problem with lists like this is you need more detail to determine where
and when the foods were used.


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