[Sca-cooks] broccoli and cauliflower and sprouts

Jane Williams jane at williams.nildram.co.uk
Fri May 24 13:18:54 PDT 2002

On 24 May 2002 at 14:57, Decker, Terry D. wrote:

>  I've also come
> across a drawing of brussels sprouts purporting to be from 1587, but I
> haven't isolated the source.

Aren't they (or something like them) mentioned in
the Menagier?

Translation says:
"And when the head of this cabbage, which is in the
middle, is removed, pull and replant the cabbage
stalk in new ground, and there will come out large
spreading leaves: and a cabbage holds great place,
and these are called Roman cabbages, and eaten in
winter; and from the stalks, if they are replanted,
come little cabbages called sprouts which are eaten
with raw herbs and vinegar; and if you have plenty,
they should be well cleaned, washed in hot water,
and put to cook whole with a little water: and then
when they are cooked, add salt and oil, and stir it up
thick without water, and put olive oil on in Lent."

I think this is the right bit of the original (my French
is pretty rusty):

"Et quant la pomme d'icelluy chou , laquelle est ou
milieu, est ostée, l'en arrache et replante en terre
nouvelle le tronc de ce chou, et en yssent larges
feuilles qui s'espandent: et tient un chou grant place,
et l'en appelle iceulx choulx nommés choulx
Rommains, et sont mengiés en yver; et des troncs,
se ils sont replantés, yssent de petits choulx que l'en
appelle minces, que l'en mengue avec les herbes
crues en vinaigre; et qui en a foison, ils sont bons
esleus, lavés en eaue chaude, et tous entiers mis
cuire avec un petit d'eaue: et puis quant ils sont cuis,
mettre du sel et de l'uile, et dréciés bien espois sans
eaue, et mettre de l'uille d'olive dessus en karesme."

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