[Sca-cooks] Drakey's Laurelling....

Susan Laing paxford at gil.com.au
Mon Nov 11 02:38:03 PST 2002

Au Contraire my Petal I would not kill you :-) after all.... If I managed to
take the news that your personal banner (you know... the one I expended
blood, sweat & tears over to make) was still back in Canberra then telling
the rest of our friends about the event would be fine....

Just back from Sydney myself and fair knackered.... reading the *important*
emails first and leaving the rest of them until after I've managed to
acquire a great deal of sleep :-)


Well. I'm back...It happened...  I'd give you all details but Marion
will kill me if I do.  But it all happened to plan, and only 2 'drakies'
over the weekend.  More info from Marion later.  I'm very, very, very
tired.  Wearing Velvet in 32degC heat is very tiring and dehydrates you
very quickly...



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