[Sca-cooks] Cost of feast

Barbara Benson vox8 at mindspring.com
Wed Nov 13 09:09:53 PST 2002

> --my 2 euro worth,
> Maire
> (your menu sounds lovely by the way...what are "grave of chicken" and
> "cariota?"

Grave or Seyme
Le Menagier de Paris (French)

Grave ou seyme est potage d'hiver. Pelez  oignons et les cuisiez tout
hachies, puis les frisiez en un pot; or convient avoir vostre poulaille
fendue sur le dos et hallee sur le grill au feu de charbon, ou se c'est
veel, aussi; et qu'ils soient mis par morceaulx soit veel, on par quartiers
se c'est poulaille, et les mettez avec les oignons dedans le pot, puis avoir
clou, graine et poivre long, deffaire de verjus et de vin, sans couler,
mettre d'une part: et boulir; puis drecier.

Grave or seyme is a winter pottage. Peel onions and cook them all cut up,
then fry them in a pot; now you should have your chicken split down the back
and browned on the grill over a charcoal fire; and the same if it is veal;
then you must cut them meat into pieces if it is veal, or in quarters if it
is a chicken, and put it into the pot with the onions, then take white bread
browned on the grill and soaked in broth made from other meat; then crush
ginger, cloves, grains of paradise, and long pepper, moisten them with
verjuice and wine without straining this, and set aside; then crush the
bread and put it through a sieve, and add it to the brouet, strain
everything, and boil; then serve.

1 Tb Oil
2 Large Onions
2 Breasts, 4 Legs, 4 Thighs
4 Slices of Bread (crust off)
3 Tb Water
Juice of 1 Lemon
3 Tb White Wine
Sachet: 2 Cloves, 1 Long Pepper (crushed), 1/2 tsp Ground Ginger, 1/4 tsp
Grains of Paradise (crushed)
Beef Broth

Brown bread and chicken on grill.
Chop onions coarsely and sauté until tender.
Mix Lemon, Water and Wine in a bowl - soak sachet in mixture.
Soak bread in beef broth; remove bread from broth and mush through strainer
into mixture bowl.
Add chicken, mixture, and sachet into tender onions.
Simmer for one hour.

Cariota was a dish prepared by my mentor and Co-Cook for the feast. I do not
have a recipie for it but it involved greasing up carrots in lard & roasting
them. Cutting them into disks and then steeping them in olive oil, wine
vinegar and rosemary. Then we let them sit in the walk-in and served them
cold. One good gentle who has a very restricted diet actually went to other
tables & "borrowed" their leftovers when he finished off the carrots for his
table. :)

The recipies for all of the portions of the feast that I redacted can be
found at my website:


Glad Tidings,
Serena da Riva

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