[Sca-cooks] Should I be doing this?

Daniel Myers doc at medievalcookery.com
Wed Oct 16 13:36:18 PDT 2002

On Wednesday, October 16, 2002, at 04:11 PM, Vincent Cuenca wrote:

> This is our first baby.  I have no direct experience of how much time
> this
> kid is going to take.  Should I even be trying this?

A lot depends on the baby.  My youngest didn't start sleeping through
the night until he was about 2 years old - which meant that everyone in
the house was sleep-deprived for the entire time.  On the other hand,
we didn't have any nearby relatives that could stop by regularly to
help out - that would have made a HUGE difference.

As things were, I was able to cook a feast when he was 1 year old, but
was in no condition to do so when he was 4 months (I probably shouldn't
have even been driving to work at that point - sleep driving is scary).

How much time is the kid going to take?  Anywhere from 10% to 150% of
your waking hours, and it's worth every bit of effort and stress.

Not much help, I'm afraid.

  Edouard Halidai  (Daniel Myers)

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